Its mostly about seagrasses...
Its mostly about seagrasses...

Technical Reports
Whale JW, Dunham N, Bywater A, Field DL, Sinclair EA, Strydom S, McMahon KM (2024) Thermal priming of dehisced Posidonia seed does not increase thermal tolerance of establishing seedlings. Theme 2.2: Pressure-response relationships, building resilience and future proofing seagrass meadows. West Australian Marine Science Institution.
Webster C, McMahon K, Ross C, Afrifa-Yamoah E, Said N, Hovey RK, Martin BC, Strydom S (2024) Two decades of seagrass monitoring data show drivers include ENSO, climate warming and local stressors. Theme: Benthic Habitats and Communities WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program.
Werorilangi S, Hovey RK, Umar W, Hasyim H, Harusi NMR, Dexter KF, Langford A, Ruhon R, Zach Z (2023) End-of-life of plastics used in seaweed aquaculture in South Sulawesi. The Australia-Indonesia Centre.
Kendrick GA, Ferretto G, Austin RA, van Keulen M, Verdiun JJ (2023) Review of past seagrass restoration projects and guidelines for restoration in Cockburn Sound. WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program.
Sinclair EA, Kendrick GA, Austin R, Statton J (2023) Seagrass restoration at Useless Loop, Gathaagudu, Shark Bay. Final report to Shark Bay Resources.
Gribben PE, Jongen R, Ferguson A, Marzinelli EM, Vergés A, Kendrick GA (2023) Project 1.8: Inclusion of sediment processes in restoration strategies for Australian seagrass ecosystems. Final Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine and Coastal Hub, Australia. Available here
Statton J, Sinclair EA, McNeair S, Kendrick A, Kendrick GA (2021) Assisting recovery of seagrass in Shark Bay, Gathaagudu. Final Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine Biodiversity Hub, Australia.
Statton J, Sinclair EA, Kendrick A, McNeair S, Kendrick GA (2020) Baseline genomic data collection and assisting natural recovery of seagrass meadows. Report on Milestone 2, 3 & 4 of Project E6 to the National Environmental Science Programme, Marine Biodiversity Hub. The University of Western Australia.
Martin BC, Fraser MW, Middleton JA, Kendrick GA (2020) Alfred Cove Eutrophication (ACE) Investigation: assessing eutrophication impacts on seagrasses at Alfred Cove. Prepared for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WA.
Fraser MW, Martin BC, Strydom S, Kendrick GA (2019) The 2019 survey of selected seagrass meadows in Cockburn Sound, Owen Anchorage and Warnbro Sound. Prepared for the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation WA on behalf of the Cockburn Sound Management Council.
Rogers AA, Burton MP, Statton J, Fraser MW, Kendrick GA, Sinclair EA, Gorman D, Vanderklift M, Verduin JJ, McLeod IM (2019) Benefits and costs of alternate seagrass restoration approaches. Report to the National Environmental Science Programme, Marine Biodiversity Hub. The University of Western Australia. 39pp.
McLeod IM, Boström-Einarsson L, Johnson CR, Kendrick GA, Layton C, Rogers AA, Statton J (2018) The role of restoration in conserving matters of national environmental significance. Report to the National Environmental Science Programme, Marine Biodiversity Hub. Download PDF
Hovey RK, Fraser MW (2018) Benthic habitat mapping of Cockburn Sound. Prepared for the Department of Environment Regulation and Fremantle Ports, Western Australia on behalf of the Cockburn Sound Management Council. Download PDF
Olsen YS, Kendrick GA, Bessey C, McLaughlin J, Darnell R, Keesing J. (2018) Shell/INPEX Applied Research Program 7-2 primary producers. Final Report: Baselines of benthic communities, herbivory and reef metabolism at Browse Island . 93pp.
Kendrick GA, Vanderklift M, Bearham D, Mclaughlin J, Greenwood J, Säwström C, Laverock B, Chovrelat L, Zavala-Perez A, De Wever L, Trapon M, Grol M, Guilbault E, Oades D, McCarthy P, George K, Sampi T, George D, Sampi C, Edgar Z, Dougal K, Howard A (2017) Benthic primary productivity: production and herbivory of seagrasses, macroalgae and microalgae. Report of 2.2.4 prepared for the Kimberley Marine Research Program, Western Australian Marine Science Institution, Perth, Western Australia. Download PDF
Fraser MW, Kendrick GA, Rule MJ (2017) The 2017 survey of selected seagrass meadows in Cockburn Sound, Owen Anchorage and Warnbro Sound. Data Report prepared for the Department of Environment Regulation on behalf of the Cockburn Sound Management Council by the University of Western Australia and the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
McMahon K, Statton J, Lavery P (2017) Seagrasses of the north west of Western Australia: biogeography and considerations for dredging-related research. Report of Theme 5 - Project 5.1.2 prepared for the Dredging Science Node, Western Australian Marine Science Institution, Perth, Western Australia. 39pp. Download PDF
Statton J, McMahon KM, McCallum R, Vivanco Bercovich M, Kendrick GA, Lavery PS (2017) Response of a mixed tropical seagrass assemblage to burial by inorganic and organic sediments under low light. Report of Theme 5 - Project 5.5.4 prepared for the Dredging Science Node, Western Australian Marine Science Institution, Perth, Western Australia, 28 pp. Download PDF
Fraser MW, Kendrick GA, Rule MJ (2016) A Survey of Selected Seagrass Meadows in Cockburn Sound, Owen Anchorage and Warnbro Sound. Data Report prepared for the Department of Environment Regulation on behalf of the Cockburn Sound Management Council by the University of Western Australia and the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Fraser MW, Kendrick GA, Zavala-Perez A (2015) Drivers of seagrass decline in Cockburn and Warnbro Sound. Prepared for the Department of Environment Regulation, Western Australia on behalf of the Cockburn Sound Management Council by the University of Western Australia. Download PDF
Collier C, Devlin M, Langlois L, Petus C, McKenzie L, Petus C, Texeira da Silva E, McMahon K, Adams M, O’Brien K, Statton J, Waycott M (2014) Thresholds and indicators of declining water quality as tools for tropical seagrass management. Report to the National Environmental Research Program. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns. 46pp. Download PDF
Kendrick GA, Althaus F, Bishop M, Brooke B, Butler I, Caley J, Coleman R, Connell SD, Edyvane K, Ferrari R, Ierodiaconou D, Miller K, Nichol S, Oliver J, Post A, Przeslawski R, Schlacher T, Sinclair EA, Stark J, Steinberg P, Tanner J, Vergés A, Wernberg T, Whalan S, Williams A (2014) National Marine Science Plan, Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Health White Paper: Benthic Ecosystems. 19pp. Download PDF
Transplanting Posidonia Seagrass in Temperate Western Australian Water: A Practical ‘How to’ Guide. (2013) Prepared by BMT Oceanica
Seagrass Research and Rehabilitation Plan Synthesis Report July 2003 to June 2010 (2011) Prepared by BMT Oceanica for Cockburn Cement Limited and WA Department of Commerce. Download PDF
Morris RL, Bishop MJ, Boon P, Browne NK, Carley JT, Fest BJ, Fraser MW, Ghisalberti M, Kendrick GA, Konlechner TM, Lovelock CE, Lowe RJ, Rogers AA, Simpson V, Strain EMA, Van Rooijen AA, Waters E, Swearer SE (2021) The Australian guide to nature-based methods for reducing risk from coastal hazards. Report No. 26. National Environmental Science Programme, Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub, Australia. Download PDF
Monk J, Barrett N, Bridge T, Carroll A, Friedman A, Ierodiaconou D, Jordan A, Kendrick GA, Lucieer V (2018) Marine sampling field manual for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). In: Field Manuals for Marine Sampling to Monitor Australian Waters. Przeslawski R, Foster S (eds) National Environmental Science Programme. pp. 65-81
Mondon J, Cambridge ML, Brearley A, Kendrick GA (2016) Assessing and mitigating environmental impacts of SWRO outfalls on key benthic marine organisms. National Centre for Excellence in Desalination Australia, Project #08699 Download PDF
Holmes KW, Radford B, Van Niel KP, Kendrick GA, Grove SL, Chatfield B (2007) Mapping the benthos in Victoria’s Marine National Parks. Technical Series, No. 40. Parks Victoria, Melbourne (ISSN 1448-4935)
Holmes KW, Van Niel KP, Kendrick GA, Baxter K (2006) Designs for marine remote sampling: Review, discussion, examples of sampling methods, layout, and scaling issues. Technical Report 87. Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary, and Waterway Management (ISBN 1921017694)
McClatchie S, Middleton J, Pattiaratchi C, Currie D, Kendrick GA (2006) The South-west Marine region: Ecosystems and key species groups. Department of the Environment and Water Resources, Australian Government (ISBN 978-0-642553-81-5)
Kendrick GA, Harvey ES, McDonald J, Pattiaratchi P, Cappo M, Fromont J, Shortis M, Grove S, Bickers A, Baxter K, Goldberg N, Kletczkowski M, Butler J (2005) Characterising the fish habitats of the Recherche Archipelago. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Project No.2001/060, pp. 582 (ISBN 1 74052 122 6)