Its mostly about seagrasses...
Its mostly about seagrasses...
Corner Inlet Broadleaf Seagrass Project
The Yarram Yarram Landcare Network, in partnership with Corner Inlet's commercial fishers and UWA are restoring 200 ha of Broadleaf Seagrass (Posidonia australis). The restoration of Broadleaf Seagrass communities will directly contribute to species vitality and biodiversity in the Corner Inlet Ramsar site in Victoria. Increasing the extent of the Broadleaf Seagrass ecosystem in Corner Inlet will improve water filtration capability, both from the seagrass itself and associated species living on and within the seagrass. This will serve to increase commercial fisheries productivity for species such as King George Whiting, rock flathead and southern calamari, in addition to non-harvested species such as the banjo shark, cow fish and pot-bellied seahorse.
Yarram Yarram Landcare Network
Corner Inlet Broadleaf Seagrass Restoration Project - Site Preparation